Exercise Physiology e Posturology in Bologna
My background
I graduated in Exercise and Sport Science, and then specialized in Posturology at the University of Bologna, Italy.
I have spent 10 years teaching how to improve posture by means of self-perception and movement awareness.
I firmly believe that well-being comes from care and consciousness of one’s own body: this is why I want to help as many persons as possible to move better, to feel better, and to know themselves better.
• Master’s degree in Sport Science and Techniques – University Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna
• Professional Master in Posturology: perceptual-sensory, motor and cognitive activity – University Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna
• (presently being completed) Professional Certificate of Massage Therapy – Synapsy Center of Studies
Diplomas and Certificates
• Diploma FIF-EFA musical Fitness Instructor – I° level
• Diploma FIF-EFA Fitness Instructor – I° level
• Diploma FIF-EFA Instructor of Functional Training
• Diploma FIF-EFA Personal Trainer
• Master FIF-EFA with specialization in “Programing of training“
• Certificate of attendance at the “Deadlift” workshop – Goodlift Milano, Hexagon System
• Certificate of attendance at the “Bench Press” workshop – Goodlift Milano, Hexagon System
• Certificate of attendance at the “Squat” workshop – Goodlift Milano, Hexagon System
• Certificate for “Basic Swedish Massage” – DIABASI, National School of Massage
• Certificate of attendance for “Myofascial Postural Therapy” – MTM Academy, with Gianni Core D.O. of “CoreSomatica” as the teacher
• Certificate of attendance at the congress for “The Fascia: anatomy, evaluation and treatment” – Manus Sapiens, Spine Center Project
My purpose is to promote good health and bodily well-being.
My path to this goal is by working on posture, using exercise programs completely custom-tailored to suite the person involved.
To this end, an in-depth postural and motor evaluation is used, and thanks to this analysis, the best suited path to achieve the results desired can be identified.
Exercise and Sport Science
The pathways chosen represent a set of services offered and aimed at improving one’s motor capabilities and in preventing muscular-skeletal problems.
These exercises are specifically aimed at improving the coordination of the movements and bodily equilibrium, through an in-depth analysis of the client’s posture, both statically and dynamically, so as to achieve a custom-tailored training program aimed at improving one’s posture and avoiding any muscular-skeletal problems.
“Proprioception” Path
This path aims at improving and optimizing the automatic processes which control our posture. This goal is achieved by learning innovative techniques for perceptive auto-stimulation and the integration of postural reflexes.
"Posture" Path
Here the pratictioner learns to recognize, pinpoint and independently deal with blocking and contractions in his own body.
This path proposes making use of the basic building blocks of traditional posture work (Mézières and AntiGym), i.e. myofascial release techniques, breathing techniques, and self-massages.
“Exercise and movement” Path
This path aims at re-education of the body to execute and sustain more complex and global movements.
In short, this is the traditional “physical exercise”, but in this case it represents the end point of a much broader journey: the practitioner will approach this final step with/within a free and recalibrated body system, thanks to the previously described paths.
Practiced within a new context and with goals which are much wider ranging. This path uses free body movement exercising, with recalibration on the basis of the previously described paths.
This goal is achieved using the following tools.
- Mobility techniques and stretching,
- Specific exercises for muscular activation,
- Learning correct movement patterns.
Tel: +39 3517663960
Mail: nadiazambellistudio@gmail.com
My locations
Via Giovanni Paolo Martini 38, Bologna
Via Ponte Albano, 21 Sasso Marconi (BO)